martedì 28 agosto 2012

Knives and pens is moving on..

Sadly I won't be posting here anymore. But I'll still be blogging, I've just relocated: here.
Go take a look and follow me!

venerdì 10 agosto 2012

Diana Mini roll

These are some shots from my Diana Mini roll from around october of last year.. I only got it developed a few months ago but I decided to FINALLY scan these pictures in!

Desert boots in black

My desert boots arrived today in the mail! I'm so excited, they really are the best looking and most comfortable shoe I've ever bought. I absolutely love them!

I ordered both a camel pair and a black pair (above) but the camel ones haven't arrived yet. I'll definitely post again when they arrive, hopefully with some more pictures too!
What do you think?

lunedì 30 luglio 2012


Hey guys,
my brother a while back got his 50mm 1.8 stolen. (which i always used to use)
so now I'm saving up for my own. I would love an 85mm but i'm just a poor student so that would be out of the question.
i have one question though: which lens do you guys think is best for street photography? I've been told that the 50mm is best..  but i'd love advice anyways.

p.s. Go check out thethiefandthecobblers. It's a sort of online magazine that i run with my twin sister.  (It's undergoing a massive revamp now though so we haven't updated in a while)

domenica 29 luglio 2012


I haven't gone out to take photos in months but i've been taking a few on instagram lately. follow me @thethiefandthecobblers!