lunedì 30 luglio 2012


Hey guys,
my brother a while back got his 50mm 1.8 stolen. (which i always used to use)
so now I'm saving up for my own. I would love an 85mm but i'm just a poor student so that would be out of the question.
i have one question though: which lens do you guys think is best for street photography? I've been told that the 50mm is best..  but i'd love advice anyways.

p.s. Go check out thethiefandthecobblers. It's a sort of online magazine that i run with my twin sister.  (It's undergoing a massive revamp now though so we haven't updated in a while)

domenica 29 luglio 2012


I haven't gone out to take photos in months but i've been taking a few on instagram lately. follow me @thethiefandthecobblers!